Grace – Giving identity, strength and support, our spiritual spinach!
Continuing our Moments of Grace program that we introduced last month, this month’s Moment of Grace looks at what Grace is, and how it gives us identity, strength and helps us as children of God.
Have a look at the reflections, sit with any that particularly strike you. Find time to relish being a child of God – a pretty big identity! Click on the links that describe Grace and the power it has for us.
Start to consider…when have you felt touched by Grace in a particular way? Maybe a calm that comes over you during stressful situations, a helping hand at just the right moment, or a sense of confidence in the midst of trial or attack? Everyday, we are helped and nourished and affirmed by Grace. We just need to keep an eye out for these experiences…
Over the next 12 months, we will continue to have something on the 15th of each month to reflect on, to share and to celebrate together the moments of Grace St Eugene experienced, while exploring ways in which we can grow – in Grace, in community, in love. All pointing us towards the 200th anniversary of St Eugene de Mazenod’s experience of deeper conversion, affirmation, and moment of Grace, which occurred on 15th August 1822, during the enthronement ceremony of the statue of the Oblate Madonna.
Make sure you check our website on the 15th of each month to see each new Moment of Grace. And keep looking out for the touch of Grace in your life.
God Bless,
Nimmi Candappa

For a downloadable version of this months Moment of Grace click here
To watch the YouTube Clips mentioned in the article above, click the links below.