Litany Prayer and Reflections

In preparation for the canonization of Saint Eugene de Mazenod, a LITANY was composed by an Oblate in conjunction with a Benedictine Sister. A LITANY PRAYER gives an explanation about each of the invocations of the Litany.
The explanations have been taken mostly from the book, LIVING IN THE SPIRIT’S FIRE, by Alfred Hubenig OMI. We hope that you will come to know him better through your praying of the litany of St Eugene.
To find these, make sure you click on “All Litany Subsections with Reflections” under this page in the resources tab.
“To love the Church is to love Jesus Christ”. These words were ingrained in the heart and mind of Eugene de Mazenod. Through the example of his life, you too can become a ‘New Fire’ in the Church today.
The Oblate Seal, adopted by Eugene de Mazenod, highlights two major sources of his life and action. At the centre is the Cross of Christ. The outer ring gives us the Motto, ”He sent me to share the Good News with the poor. The poor are being evangelised “.
These remain the Oblate inspiration and ideal.