Over the last year, we have been highlighting some Moments of Grace that St Eugene experienced. In order to help each other have a clearer sense of God in our everyday lives, we are asking you to think about your own moments of Grace, of when you might have felt God touch your life in some notable way. Moments when something happened that made us stop and wonder whether it was more than a “mere coincidence”. When the neighbour just happened to drop in at the right moment to help us with a crisis; or when the car hurtling through the red light missed colliding with our car by a whisker. In a world driven by the need for proof, that scoffs at the instinctive and lauds the scientific, we might be tempted to dismiss these, or call it “lucky”, but these may well be the moments we remember how close and involved God is in our lives.
We invite you to share with the rest of the De Mazenod Family your story of a God-moment, a Moment of Grace – it might simply be a moment when you had a sense of God while watching a sunset. You can submit the story named or anonymously. These will then be compiled into a booklet for an upcoming ‘Moments of Grace’ resource.
Click on the title link below to access the form, or send an email with your story to ncandappa@omi.com.au. Together our stories can strengthen each other’s faith, and begin to see through the example of St Eugene, the closeness and friendship of God.
Tell us your own Moments of Grace