The 200th Anniversary of St Eugene’s Moment of Grace before the Oblate Madonna
During our online De Mazenod Family Gathering in 2021, Superior General Father Louis Logan talked about St Eugene de Mazenod’s Moment of Grace before the Oblate Madonna, and that today, the 15th of August 2022 marks the 200th anniversary since that occurrence. This inspired the De Mazenod Family Team to spend a year reflecting on St Eugene, the graces he received and in turn how we too can give and receive grace in our everyday lives.
Each month we focused on a different aspect of Grace, from the grace of our environment and Laudato Si to the grace that we receive from Mary our Mother to the three influential moments that St Eugene experienced.

To bring our series of Moments of Grace to a close, we invited members of the De Mazenod Family to share their very own moments of grace. There is something incredibly touching when we share these very personal moments when we have experienced God’s grace in our lives.
We invite you to watch the video below as the culmination of the experiences shared with the De Mazenod Family.
As we celebrate the 200th Anniversary of St Eugene’s moment before the Oblate Madonna, we invite you to reflect on the Moment’s of Grace series, and perhaps spend some time looking at each month’s edition once more. We are blessed with many graces throughout our lives, let this be a reminder to strive to live a life filled with grace.
Below you will find links to all the previous editions of Moments of Grace. Click on the month to be taken to that Months edition.
For a downloadable PDF version of this month’s edition click here